Test Automation

Table of Contents


test framework.jpg

List of GUI testing tools

List of web testing tools



  • Benefits
    • Very easy and fast to create initially
    • No programming skill needed
  • Problems
    • Does not test anything unless checkpoints added
    • Very fragile
      1. Often single change in UI can break all tests
    • Hard to maintain
      1. Plenty of separate test scripts
      2. No modularity or reuse
    • System must be ready before automation can start
      1. Does not support acceptance test driven development(ATDD)
  • Summary
    • Seldom a good approach in general
    • Never a good basis for large scale automation


  • Benefits
    • Fast to create initially
    • Flexible
    • Can use common scripting languages
      1. No license costs
  • Problems
    • Creating tests requires programming skills
    • Very fragile
      1. One change in the system may break all scripts
    • Hard to maintain
      1. Plenty of test scripts
      2. No modularity or reuse
  • Summary
    • Adequate for simple tasks
    • Never a good basis for large scale automation


  • Benefits
    • Reuse of code
      1. Creating new tests gets faster
    • Maintainability
      1. Changes requires fixes in smaller areas
    • Driver scripts are simple
      1. Even novice programmers can understand and edit
      2. Creating new ones is not hard either
  • Problems
    • Building test library requires initial effort
      1. Takes time
      2. Requires programming skills
    • Test data embedded into scripts
      1. Requires some understanding of programming
    • New tests require new driver scripts
  • Summary
    • Good for simple tasks
    • Works also in large usage if everyone who need to understand tests can program
    • Not good for non-programmers


  • Benefits
    • Test libraries provide modularity
      1. Same benefits as with modular scripting
    • Creating and editing existing tests is very easy
      1. No programming skills needed
    • Maintenance responsibilities can be divided
      1. Testers are responsible for the test data
      2. Programmers are responsible for automation code
  • Problems
    • Test cases are similar
      1. For example '1 + 2 = 3' and '1 * 2 = 2'
    • New kinds of tests need new driver script
      1. For example '1 * 2 + 3 = 6'
      2. Creating driver scripts requires programming skills
    • Initial effort creating parsers and other reusable components can be big
  • Summary
    • Good solution even for larger scale use
    • New kinds of tests requiring programming is a minus
    • May be an overkill for simple tests


  • Benefits
    • All smae benefits as with data-driven testing
      1. Non-programming can create and edit tests
      2. Separation of test data and code
    • Tests can be constructed freely from keywords
      1. Non-programmers can create also new kinds of tests
      2. With suitable keywords also data-driven tests possible
    • All tests can be executed by one framework
      1. No need to create and maintain separate driver scripts
  • Problems
    • Initial effort can be really big
      1. But there are open source solutions available
  • Summary
    • Very good solution for large scale use
    • Use exiting solutions if you can
    • May be an overkill for simple needs

How to write Good Test Cases

Test books


  • Scaling Lean & Agile Development
  • Practices for Scaling Lean & Agile Development

Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:19

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
